Merry Christmas is a Mystical Christmas

May everyone have a Merry Christmas and be given a spiritual experience of Christian Mysticism , which introduces the mind to the soul radiating from the center of our being to connect, guide, and sooth our energy. Energy radiates from the soul similar to an electrical current giving light to a bulb. This energy is no longer rampant, but focused, connected with our core and the spiritual depths of our soul. This consciousness directed by Christ does not judge, just witnesses with the understanding that we are drawn to the power of the soul. A consciousness of bliss filling an empty, powerless place with wisdom and knowledge requires inner work recognizing where we are influenced by external circumstances and lose energy. Temptations are not ignored, but released by changing perceptions, self-image, concepts and one’s life. The resistance to change is witnessed with the recognition that our energy and power are lost in a diffused and unfocused state taking strength from every fiber of our body. Spiritual practice is a natural gift, a living grace that perfects our poise, manner, coolness and reserve in the muscular and nervous systems of our body. Spiritual development doesn’t invite physical health because it is done for spiritual reasons, but the mind and body do benefit, assisting our spirituality in turn. May we all share in this Christmas gift

Christian Mysticism empties the mind so the Spirit can Grow

We don’t have to go to the waters in an artesian well, the water come to us. We just have to remove the barriers blocking the water from rising.  God’s grace tries to fill the void in our lives. Emptying the mind removes the barriers and creates a void for God’s grace. I feel the interior life with spirit gives us liberation and a higher consciousness away from the thoughts and cravings for things. We live an interior life not attached to the external world except to serve expressing our Lord’s love. For me the holy is within and that is what motivates a moral religious life. It is awe before God in the indwelling Spirit. It is not that the spiritual is superior to the material, but that the material is spiritual so one sees God in mysterious way. One is content to watch the physical play of Our Lord as he acts it out in everyone and everything.

Many Christians express an external religious expression with fear as a kind of motivation. I think they are not emptying their minds, but filling it with thoughts to defend a book or an external God with majestic trivia. When they speak, their words have no power because they don’t have the grace or spiritual power to back them up. They seem to think they know all the meanings, but they don’t seem to know the spiritual value of love and compassion. They force their moral compulsion of the whole Bible on everyone without a discriminate mind that can distinguish between what is pertinent and what doesn’t relate.

Mark 7:6-8 (New International Version)

6He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:
” ‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
7They worship me in vain;