The Benefits of Silence, Christian Mysticism

I find in silence, or finding a way to the divinity within systemizes Christ’s spiritual journey to produce good results, good health and good habits. It focuses my mind into a laser promoting and facilitating the nervous and circulatory systems to invigorate my body and mind. It is one way my soul can conserve and channel energy that is lost in drifting habits. This is a kind of healing, an adaptation, absorption and practice of spiritual knowledge to align my mind with my soul. Currents that produce anger, divisive thoughts and destructive actions become apparent, and the energy currents that produce love, healing thoughts and constructive actions bring my attention to the field of the soul where understanding the impersonal nature of energy and the interconnected dynamics of everything beyond the senses is beneficial to my life.  In this state of being I learn to love without restriction and accept without judgment because I am not on the level of thinking, which is my well-versed, experienced, relative existence. Identifying with the consciousness of the soul I slowly learn about the energy of life, the value of creativity, healing and love. Releasing negativity, disharmony and violence Christian contemplation and meditation shows me the way to serve the power of my soul by increasing my knowledge of the finer strata of existence so I can align with it.  It is a journey through the layers of my mind leading to the perception of Christ consciousness.

Christian Mysticism

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