The Spirit of Christmas

A Mystical Christmas

The Spirit of Christmas can’t be seen, but is in the peace and love that engages us and blesses us for the rest of the year, not in the sweet presents that are easy to buy. We search the shops looking for the best objects to put under the Christmas tree as a special gift overlooking the spiritual gift of Christ consciousness that lies within our self and in the hearts of our family and friends. It is easy to buy a present, but so difficult to take on the forgiveness, tolerance, love and detached mind of Christ. The beauty of Christmas is not in the tree and presents, but in the beauty and presence of love like a silent Christmas candle that gives up its self and small world to discover the light of a new day.

It is not a time or a season to panic, rush and hurry through gifts, cards, carols and tinsel, but to have a humble, respectful mind that is willing to receive the spirit of Christmas, Bodhi, Hajj, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice and Kwanzaa.. To receive the consciousness of the baby Jesus we don’t have to be Christian in order to fly to new heights, we just need a modest heart that can accept the wisdom of the Christ mind. The gift of Christian Mysticism is beyond the limits of our five senses and is wrapped in different beliefs, but in removing and opening up to the universe using a variety of methods from science, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism or any other principle, we experience an inner mystical connection with God.

This spiritual gift introduces our mind to the soul radiating from the center of our being to connect, guide, and sooth our energy. An energy that is no longer rampant, but focused, connected with our core and the spiritual depths of our soul. This consciousness does not judge, just witnesses with the understanding that we are drawn to the power of the soul without doing a thing. A consciousness of bliss filling an empty, powerless place with wisdom and knowledge requires inner work recognizing where we are influenced by external circumstances and lose energy. Temptations are not ignored, but released by changing perceptions, self-image, concepts and one’s life. The resistance to change is witnessed with the recognition that our energy and power are lost in a diffused and unfocused state that takes strength from every fiber of our body. This is a natural gift, a living grace that perfects our poise, manner, coolness and reserve in the muscular and nervous systems of our body. May we all partake in this Merry Christmas and share this spiritual gift with others.

John Kuykendall’s author page

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